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Celebrate spring with a scavenger hunt

Are there any signs of spring where you are?

Here are a few I’ve been noticing:  snow melting, puddles, my front step dry of snow all week, longer line ups at car washes, kids on bikes, people out running and walking, rubber boots, people driving with windows open, kids blowing bubbles, kids on skateboards, a robin, and the temptation to open all my windows each day.

I admit it’s caught me off guard. There have been sunny days that I have spent indoors, without realizing what I am missing.  Or I drive to pick up my son from the bus stop, only to realize I should have walked. Suddenly I am realizing – I should get organized now so that when the sun shines or the mild temperatures beckon, we can just get out and enjoy.

Spring necessities to have ready:

  • bikes
  • bubble blowers and soapy water solution
  • rubber boots
  • sidewalk chalk
  • binoculars
  • cameras
  • hats and sunglasses
  • sunscreen
  • child sized rakes

Here’s an easy and fun scavenger hunt that can be done even while the weather is a bit cool, as well as things to get ready so you can easily get yourself and the kids out the door.

Spring Scavenger Hunt – get kids to check off a list as they spot items

  • A cyclist
  • Someone on a skateboard
  • A car with windows rolled down
  • Grass peeking out from under the snow
  • A bird
  • Wildlife of any kind – squirrel, gopher, rabbit
  • A pinecone
  • Someone in shorts or sandals
  • A garage sale sign
  • A house with windows open (bonus points if you can hear their music)
  • A puddle
  • A bug
  • A vehicle with something written in the dust on the window
  • Someone doing yard work
  • A bird’s nest, either new or from last year
  • Green grass (in milder areas)
  • Flowers in bloom (in milder areas)
  • A tree with visible buds (in milder areas)

Now you have no excuses!  Go enjoy whatever spring throws your way in these early weeks.  The fresh air and sun will cheer you like nothing else this time of year.

Writer, editor, recovering chocoholic. Most often found writing, drinking coffee, and chasing kids. Find her on Twitter @littlemissmocha.

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