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Discovering my design style

Rustic Modern Decor

I’m always on the lookout for DIY decorating tips and ideas but lately I’ve found many of these great ideas I’m running across don’t fit in my condo. My small space doesn’t afford me the luxury of choosing individual themes for rooms…my rooms kind of all run together.

Another problem? I don’t know what style I prefer. I seem to like everything and it doesn’t come across as eclectic, just cluttered.

May 2013 Chatelaine Canada Cover

My salvation came in the form of May’s issue of Chatelaine magazine. Printed across the top of the cover was “The How-To Issue.” Yup. Bought it on the spot. And the how-to issue did not disappoint.

The orange chair on the cover was one of a four-part spread called “How to Make an Entrance.” It was such a creative approach to showcasing four different ways to decorate an entrance that I’m inspired and ready to try again.

Here are the four styles: Preppy Glam (classic colours and modern accents), Beach-House Casual (DIY and upcycled everything), Rustic Modern (organic material and sleek design), and Urban Eclectic (patterns, textures, colours).

All the rooms were great, but which was MY room?

Organic Decor

Over the next few days I looked around my home, mentally placing my items into one of the four categories. In the end I noticed a distinct theme: found items, upcycled items, and a bit more nature than I thought I had. Who knew? I’m a Rustic Modern!

Antique Window Frame

By narrowing my style a bit I think it actually frees me up to design my rooms with abandon – within the style of course. By sticking to some general themes and rules it will help keep my small quarters from feeling too cluttered or random.

As I gaze around my room my eyes settle on all the projects in motion. I think they were on pause because I wasn’t sure how they fit into my place. Now I’m able to see them with renewed vision. How exciting! I’m thankful for this mini-epiphany, all from a four-page spread on how to design a catchy entranceway. Who knew?

Card Table painting

Working full time as a writer, editor and audio broadcast producer should be enough. But instead of resting after a long work day Robyn sets to creating havoc in her space by attempting more DIY, upcycle and knitting projects than she has room for. Her husband is a patient man.

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