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Painted countertops: how to upcycle your counters to modernize and add value

DIY Countertops

My place is stuck in the ’90s. And even worse I live in a condo with identical neighbouring condos.

Adding value is always on the back of my mind (and it’s something I write about often) but it’s tricky in today’s condo market. You have to be careful to make the right upgrades without overvaluing your place.

Last year I discovered countertop paint. Now, this makes me nervous. Aside from floors we’re the hardest on our counters. So paint? It had better be durable.

I couldn’t get the idea out of my mind

I eased into the world of countertop paint by watching YouTube videos and reading DIY blogs. It seemed straightforward enough. There are all sorts of kits you can get from local hardware stores ranging in price from $80-$200. Yes, a pricey investment, but not only is it the right kind of paint but it’s cheaper than a few thousand dollars for granite countertops or a few hundred dollars for updated melamine countertops.

Then, I took the plunge

Step by step DIY countertops

Since I bought a kit there aren’t really instructions I need to relay except make sure you do follow the instructions provided.

My kit was supposed to imitate granite, so it involved a primer layer plus three layers of sponged-on metallic colours. Although the instructions were straightforward, I couldn’t figure out how to make my paint job look like the picture on the box. But I suppose practice makes perfect.

Because I was trepidatious about painting my counters, I opted to re-cover a bathroom counter. Like I said, easing in.

Painted Countertops

Painted countertops are just that: painted. Even if I could imitate granite (and I blame user error for my failure) it still isn’t granite. The surface is durable because of a thick top coat (two to three coats of the sealant) but it is still paint over laminate. Something to consider.

Am I glad I did it? Yes. This facelift has changed my bathroom. Does it look like granite? No, but I don’t care. Will I do my kitchen with countertop paint? I’m less certain. I think the bronze colour is a bit too much for me so if I can figure out a good method using the black and silver layers (or maybe just primer?) then I will go for it.

But for a first try? A great investment.

Working full time as a writer, editor and audio broadcast producer should be enough. But instead of resting after a long work day Robyn sets to creating havoc in her space by attempting more DIY, upcycle and knitting projects than she has room for. Her husband is a patient man.

One Response to “Painted countertops: how to upcycle your counters to modernize and add value”


Looks Great like you said practice makes perfect. I do know what you mean I have done my first kitchen table and chairs it took me about a month. It looks good to me I would try a lighter color maybe.. hmmmm or the same.


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